Advantage Airtech Commercial Ltd. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘commercial heating maintenance’

Have You Arranged for Commercial Heating Maintenance? Now’s the Time!

Monday, September 18th, 2017

commercial-hvac-technician-servicingThe seasons are starting to change, and no doubt you have plenty on your schedule to keep your commercial or industrial facility working away in the stretch leading to winter. This is an important time to remind you that commercial heating maintenance from professionals is mandatory in the fall if you want peace of mind about continued success through the rest of the year and into the next.

If you’ve lived in the Greater Toronto Area for at least one winter, you know how tough winters they can be. The average low during January is -3°C, which can be bad news for any business or facility, no matter what type, unless it has reliable heating systems. For the peace of mind that the heating systems that protect comfort and process inside your building, it’s important to arrange for commercial heating maintenance in Ajax, ON each fall. The sooner you have a maintenance program in place with commercial HVAC specialists during the fall, the easier it will be to take care of.

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